
movie apartments

one thing i love about watching movies is checking out the set design...here are some apartments that was featured in elle decor.

Sex and the City - one of my favorite movies and tv series. when carrie opened that door, i was in love with that apartment especially with the new closet.

Devil Wears Prada


Down with Love


American Psycho

Big - the first movie i can remember that made me fall in love with lofts. ever since i saw this movie, i've always wanted to live in a loft.

I am Legend

What Women Want

Melinda and Melinda

Match Point


1 comment:

Arianna Belle said...

I wish Big and Carrie would've stayed in that apartment so they could've show us how they would have decorated it. With that gorgeous sunlight coming in and by the looks of the closet..I bet it would have been amazing... Maybe in the new movie? :)