it's a new decade...and it's all about new beginnings...i thought i'd share some of my goals for two thousand ten...(not in a particular order) are three of them. (i have a huge list since there's always room for improvement and growth in our lives)...

{KNOWLEDGE} - i want to expand my knowledge even more than usual. learning is a never ending process. you're never too young or too old to learn new things.

{SKETCHING} - -i would like to sharpen my sketching skills. i haven't done much of any sketching since i graduated a couple of years ago and would like to get back into sketching.

{BLOG...BLOGGING} - the blog world has been such a fun, creative, therapeutic outlet for me...i love to be get inspired...and to inspire...i want to do a lot more of it this year and hoping to meet more people that inspires me and appreciates the same things as i i hope you'll "follow" me and we can get inspired together.

“Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.” ~Oprah
i have a feeling 2010 will be a good's time to make things happened and strive for the best and be a better person inside and out.
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