i have this fascination of notebooks/notepads....(office supplies in general for some reason.) i tend to buy them because i love the way the covers are, the way they're designed, etc. i have tons of notebooks and i don't even know what to write in them or what to do with them...they're just so pretty that i can't help myself and have to buy them when i see something i like, of course within reasonable cost :).
here's my latest purchase from
target. love the vintage look. they had 2 other colors, black and burgundy. i decided to go with the green. i feel it matches more of the vintage look that the cover photo seems to emulate.

this black and white notepad is currently in use. i always have it in my purse to write down anything that's on my mind..whether it's a reminder to myself or a great idea that i have for future reference, etc...

both these notebooks are just lined notebooks. my favorite type is the grid notebook or a plain notebook that's great for sketching.
(that's a good topic for next week..."what's in your purse"...)