today, i seem to be inspired to work on my sketching skills (or lack of)...
i was browsing the internet and just seem to be inspired to work on the skills/the skills "needed". i haven't sketched in a while since i've graduated at the academy of art university about a year and a half ago. i took an "advance quick sketch" class on my last semester. at first i was very intimidated by it, but i grew to love it. we had to sketch about average of 10+sketches per week. that may not seem like a lot, but if you think about it, it is especially if you go to school, have a part time job, 2 internships, a boyfriend...that's a lot of work and not enough time...but i survived and here i am a "graduate"...
i know i've been wanting to work on my sketches forever...but always seem to procrastinate... something always seems to distract me...the TELEVISION...that's another topic another day/time...
so today will be the day...i don't have anything in particular that i want to sketch...but tonight, i'm going to work on at least 2 sketches...maybe...just maybe...i'll be brave enough to post it up... if i do, please keep in mind, that i was never good in sketching and again, i haven't sketched in more that a year and a half...and that's why i'm starting now...to improve my sketches...so pls keep that in mind and don't "judge" :) ...